coming soon 3 songs


Catch Me If You Can!

No events for now, please check again later.


Get the Goods!

All About SHTICK

Also My Shidduch Resume

In case you’re wondering “Who is this guy?”
(Don’t worry, the judge asked the same thing),


I make songs. Perform them, too.
I write funny stuff for newspapers, TV shows, and video skits.
I host/MC/badchan at weddings and bar/bat mitzvahs.
And I am an unsolicited advisor, a.k.a. I stick my nose where it doesn’t belong, a.k.a. I’m Jewish!

So, enjoy the site. Have fun, and stay happy!

To contact the KopShtick team for any reason whatsoever just send a message here and we’ll get back to you within 2 days, honest!
(Unless it’s a 3 day yomtov…)

Shtalk the SHTICK

Reach Out and Say Hi!

Wanna send fan mail? Wanna have KopShtick at your Simcha?
What?? You do?? Are you nuts?? Oh you are…? Sorry ’bout that.

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